Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Chin Hair-- a woman's arch nemisis

Ever since the hormones began raging through my body, I have dealt with a host of womanly issues. With the exception of bleeding once a month, I think that the development of chin hairs has to be the worse.

Why are they so bad? We all have them or rather get them. Yet, a woman should not get them. I have looked at my share of chins... yes, I actually looked and many a women have them. Is this part of evolution?

I am not saying that I like them. But why do I hate them? I hate them because they do not seem to be socially acceptable. I have seen many a beautiful beard on a man but not on a woman.

Women: We pluck, shave, dye, put chemicals on our chins with the hopes of killing the outgrowth of the hairy weeds that invade our skin. I found, personally, that all of these techniques cause outbreaks. At nearly 48 years old, my chin is a continuous trouble spot. But not enough to stop the plucking and picking. I have made my kids promise that when I am old and unable to take care of myself that they will pluck my chin hairs bedside.

Until society stops looking at a bearded woman as someone as part of a freak show. I will continue to have breakouts from various techniques. You'll find me in the nursing home. I am the one with the acne on my chin.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Birthdays and Death

My grandnephew is dealing with the passing of his great Gram (on his mother's side of the family). He said that his birthday will always be a sad day because his Gram died.

This reminded me of when my father passes away in 2005 on my nephew Ryan's 12th Birthday/

Papa had a quick fast moving Cancer. All Ryan wanted, at the time, was for his Papa to live until his birthday. And he did! Papa passed on his birthday. 

Birthdays are a time of celebration. However, most people look at death as a very sad ending. I try not to look at it that way. Although that person is gone, the day that they pass away is also a day of celebrating the impact that that person made in all the lives of the people that they left behind.

We are the only ones who are sad. After all, the ones that have departed have passed over to a life of light and love. It is all perspective. When those birthdays roll around, think about how special that person was and how special you were to them. Take out an extra candle and light it for them. Celebrate how blessed you were to have them in your life. 

Celebrate a special day. The beginning of your life and the beginning of their eternal life in the heavens.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Have you ever been so indecisive that it kills you inside? I am going through something like this right now. Change is never easy for anyone, but when there are unknown consequences to your decisions, it can be scary. Thus far in my life, I have never made a decision that I have regretted. You may think it sounds cliche but I have learned from every decision that I have made. Good or bad. I've either been knocked down or held up high.

I have been thinking about starting my own business. That doesn't sound very scary, does it? Well, it is. I have so many questions in my head. I am afraid of not being a success. I go on sites like Pinterest and I see all kinds of ideas but I know that there are not enough hours in the day too do everything that I want to do which is create. I lose confident and thing that I am not "good enough" or that "no one would be interested in what I do." Can I set prices that are affordable in my demographic area and still make a living? How much inventory should I have before I start? Should I stick to one kind of craft or is eclectic okay? Can I do something that will give me more time with my family? Do I have enough ambition and drive to do this? How much am I looking to make? Is it realistic?

Just typing has made me realize what I need to do. RESEARCH

I have the questions written down. I just need to find the answers.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Life is hard

Life is hard like the granite that spill into the woods, here in the Maine . There is so many ups and downs. They are kind of like the mountainous roads that surround us. Making twists and turns, climbing up steep grades only to feel like the road drops out from underneath us taking the wind from our lungs.

It can leave us so full of sorrow that we don’t know how we will ever go on. We’re overcome with the darkness of regret of “what ifs” and  “I should haves”. A rolling thunderstorm brews inside.

If you believe and have faith, you will see that at the end of every dark night, the sun does rise. You may have a hard time getting out of bed and believing that life goes on. Sometimes you have to look for it in the little things. Maybe it’s the birds singing their good morning song outside your window or the lonely crocus springing up through the frosty ground. Or maybe it’s the gurgling of a brook.

Today is a gift. We opened our eyes this morning. From our birth until our last breath, we live. If today is hard. Live for this second or this minute.  Baby steps. It will get better.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Just a thought...


Remember when we were kids and we use to watch Saturday morning cartoons. (IMO that was the best day of the week). I remember an episode of Tom & Jerry where Jerry slams a fry pan over Tom's (the cat) head. Tom's head would take on the shape on the pan and little stars would appear over his hard and tiny bird tweet as the circle it. As kids we knew that if we were hit by a fry pan that there is no way it would make that shape. 

Today's realistic cartoons desensitize kids to real violence. Although the outcome is far different, I think that seeing these realistic images over and over again makes a a perception of "no big deal" ,where as the frying pan shaped head was silly.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Inspiration sometimes comes at the most unexpected time. Like this morning

Words from my husband who has been enjoying his new adventure with his first smart phone. An iPhone.

100 years of perfection just by "luck" it has no value . But step back and see how priceless a 100 years is inspiring.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

One can make a difference

Can one person make a difference? Most definitely, "Yes". We all make an impact in more than one way. Even something that seems minute to you may have a big impact on someone else.

At my place of employment, I have been processing gifts for a Memorial Scholarship. As I have continued to process these gifts, I wondered about the young man that these gift were in honor of. A basic google search revealed way more than I could have ever expected.

This 23 year old's life was cut short by a tragic motorcycle accident in which he was test driving a bike. The death of this young  man not only had a tremendous impact on his family and friends at a small town university that he attended but the importance of his life and what he was doing was making a difference in his community.

He believed in a sustainable environment and living a healthy life style, using locally grown organic foods. He took his belief and campaigned the university and local restaurants to seek local sources for their food whenever possible.In turn, keeping the community's money local.

Even after death. many have believed in his mission. There is now a yearly fundraiser in his owner by local restaurants where items produced with his mission in mind are offered on the menu with proceeds going to his scholarship fund.

Where does the money go to besides a recipients education? Right in their mouth. Students are award meal plans at the university.

If this young man made a difference in his short life. Imagine what anyone could do.

What will be your legacy?