Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Only one rule. It is not about me.


She is quiet as a church mouse, but…
She doesn’t go to church.
She’s stoic in nature. We wonder what she thinks
Stormy is her mind with thought
Stored inside. Ready…
Surging on the edge of explosion
She stuffs emotions  deeper and deeper only to…
Surge again and again.
She does.
Sweet Relief
Start Over
Stoic in nature, We wonder what she thinks
Stormy is her mind
She surrenders again

Editing your life

My Life Needs Editing.... Mort Sahl

What does it mean to edit your life? My thought would be to delete the things that you don't need and work on the things that you do my making it more meaningful.

One thing that I am learning to delete is things. I am trying to work on things that I need and not so much want with the hopes of saving the money for a bigger desire. A NEW HOUSE

It's a battle that I fight with myself. I love cutesy stuff. I am addicted to Pinterest. I see all of these cool things that I want to do but never have enough time or motivation in the day to do them. So, like all new habits, I need to adjust and remind myself what my ultimate goal is and if I must "buy" something, I have the NEW HOUSE in mind.

A friend gave me some great advice about giving yourself subliminal messages. You know how you have to change passwords every so often. Make your new password a phrase or catch phase. For example if you were trying to exercise more. You could use "Ex3rcise" as a password. Type that enough and it just may get ingrained.

Ha.. My wandering mind

Please do not be mistaken. My mind has not been completely on track for the last year. I guess it has just been my typing and motivation has. What the heck! It's a new year. Let's give this another try.

2015 Update

What happened in 2015? It is all a blur except for the last part where I quit my job. That's right, 16 years pushed away in the push of a button on the old fax machine (sending in the resignation).

I learned a valuable lesson. Everyone deserves respect and when the breaking point is reached it is 'tootle loo". I gave two weeks and landed a very nice job at the local university. It has taken some getting use to. I am use to being a little more busier than what I am. Maybe that is because I was stretched thin for 16 years.

I must say that it is a lot more relaxing. I actually have a lunch where I can take off for an hour each day. Not like my previous job where I was chained to the desk waiting on a phone or door bell to ring. You just pictured that, didn't you.

It's on to 2016

Big things are happening.
The hubs and I hope to be in a new house by the year end. Please Please Please. We are working so hard for this.

We'll keep you updates.