Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Have you ever been so indecisive that it kills you inside? I am going through something like this right now. Change is never easy for anyone, but when there are unknown consequences to your decisions, it can be scary. Thus far in my life, I have never made a decision that I have regretted. You may think it sounds cliche but I have learned from every decision that I have made. Good or bad. I've either been knocked down or held up high.

I have been thinking about starting my own business. That doesn't sound very scary, does it? Well, it is. I have so many questions in my head. I am afraid of not being a success. I go on sites like Pinterest and I see all kinds of ideas but I know that there are not enough hours in the day too do everything that I want to do which is create. I lose confident and thing that I am not "good enough" or that "no one would be interested in what I do." Can I set prices that are affordable in my demographic area and still make a living? How much inventory should I have before I start? Should I stick to one kind of craft or is eclectic okay? Can I do something that will give me more time with my family? Do I have enough ambition and drive to do this? How much am I looking to make? Is it realistic?

Just typing has made me realize what I need to do. RESEARCH

I have the questions written down. I just need to find the answers.

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