Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Birthdays and Death

My grandnephew is dealing with the passing of his great Gram (on his mother's side of the family). He said that his birthday will always be a sad day because his Gram died.

This reminded me of when my father passes away in 2005 on my nephew Ryan's 12th Birthday/

Papa had a quick fast moving Cancer. All Ryan wanted, at the time, was for his Papa to live until his birthday. And he did! Papa passed on his birthday. 

Birthdays are a time of celebration. However, most people look at death as a very sad ending. I try not to look at it that way. Although that person is gone, the day that they pass away is also a day of celebrating the impact that that person made in all the lives of the people that they left behind.

We are the only ones who are sad. After all, the ones that have departed have passed over to a life of light and love. It is all perspective. When those birthdays roll around, think about how special that person was and how special you were to them. Take out an extra candle and light it for them. Celebrate how blessed you were to have them in your life. 

Celebrate a special day. The beginning of your life and the beginning of their eternal life in the heavens.

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